Welcome to the fifth and final part in our blog series on livestream services. In this edition, we’re going to be looking at Twitter, who have just started to experiment with livestreaming on their site.
The Future?
Let’s start this blog with one strange fact: Twitter doesn’t even do livestreaming for its users at the moment. So why write a blog about it? Well, Twitter have started to reach out to certain companies, offering to stream events like on their site. In fact, Twitter is set to livestream an NFL game for the very first time this week. This is a ground-breaking step forward for Twitter, and they’re looking to expand upon it in the future. Twitter representatives have announced they’ll also be livestreaming further content about technology, business, and media in the future. It’s an interesting move; despite Twitter’s lack of progress recently, a livestreaming service could help the social media site reclaim its former glory if it’s done right.
So while the livestreaming service is exclusive to a handful of companies at the moment, it might not be long until it’s opened up to all users if it becomes a success. And Twitter could make an excellent platform for companies to livestream on.

Why Twitter is Perfect for Livestreaming
Twitter always acts as more of one big community compared to social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, where users create their own, individual, smaller communities on their pages. On Twitter, you can always see what’s trending, and you see so much from whomever you’re following. Twitter is already one of the best social media platforms for business because of how fast and far things can be shared around the site.
Furthermore, the average Twitter user tends to have more followers than Facebook users have friends, and tweets tend to get more retweets than Facebook posts gets shares. Twitter is an environment that allows videos, pictures, topics, and memes to go viral faster. This bodes very well for Twitter, as the rate at which a livestream is shared is absolutely of the essence when it comes to livestreaming – after all, it’s live! So a live video will get shared faster thanks to the layout of Twitter, ensuring a larger audience is there once a company goes live with their video.
Watch This Space…
So while the average company is not able to avail of Twitter’s streaming service at the moment, there is huge potential for growth in the future. Assuming the initial testing of the livestreaming service is successful, which it should be, Twitter will make the service open to more and more users, and therefore, more and more companies. This is certainly something to keep an eye on for your business, particularly since it will likely be a big deal in the future. Getting in early on something that takes off popularity-wise is like striking gold – it’s something many companies would pay ridiculous amounts for. So make sure to watch Twitter and their gradual unveiling of the livestreaming service, it may well create huge waves in both social media and business.