So lets say that you have looked at all the facts and figures and finally decided to make the jump into video marketing. You have created a sophisticated corporate promo that really sums up what your all about. Now, what are you going to do with it? You see, digital video marketing isn’t just about creating the video. Its about spreading the word. Having the video tell your story for you!
That is why we have whipped up our latest infographic showing where you can showcase your video online. Its not just a simple case of leaving it on YouTube. There are numerous places that you can put your promo on to really maximise on your digital video marketing.

Digital Video Marketing Reach
As the infographic shows, social media and video marketing really do work together very well. Why limit yourself to just one port-of-call? Create a Pinterest account and place your video there. Push it on Twitter using hashtags. Find established LinkedIn Groups that may be interested in what you have to offer! A large section of your target audience has already found each other and formed groups and niches. Its your job to locate these bays of activity and make sure that they catch what your throwing. However, don’t think that you can simply chuck a video into their group and walk away. Its all about developing a rapport.
Digital video marketing is proven to be amazingly effective in gaining new customers. But i also means that you have to spread the word as well. Making a video may cost money, but spreading the message can be very affordable! Increase your reach by using the platforms that are available out there.
If you would like to find out how we can help you get your message moving, please drop us a line at